Rough Diamond Mining

Rough Diamond Pilot Plant

Modular pilot plant, with a capacity of 15 tons/hr, treating diamond bearing materials with size range minus 22mm, plus 500 micron.

The Pre-Concentartion of Diamonds using the InLine Pressure Jig (IPJ)

Systems designed and supplied a 20 tph diamond pilot plant to a client for on-site work. The pilot plant consisted of a feed bin, 20 tph scrubber, feed preparation screen, InLine Pressure Jig (IPJ1000) and floats and sinks dewatering screens. Magnetic Tracer recovery system located at the end of sinks and floats screens was also incorporated into the design to allow for auditing of the circuit during ‘feed-on’ conditions.
As part of the optimisation effort, several tracer tests were conducted at various jig parameter settings. In one such test, a total of 1380 tracers, sized at 3mm, with of 3.5 SG, were added to the jig feed, with 1335 reporting to concentrate for a recovery of 96.7%. Mass yield was approximately 30% at a corresponding feed rate of 4 tph.
With a continuous operating run, the feed material was sized at +2mm-16mm and the plant results were as follows: